
Norton St Nicholas C of E (VA) Primary and Nursery School

Guided by God, we live, learn and love.

Equalities Action Plan

Equal Opportunities at school is about ensuring that all children and adults have equality of opportunity in terms of access and outcome throughout all aspects of school life and that their life chances for the present and future are not impeded or distorted by anything that happens during their participation in the process of education, but are in fact widened to allow them to achieve the whole scope of their potential. Equal opportunity recognises and celebrates our similarities and our diversity as individuals and groups.  It recognises that all individuals have an intrinsic right to be nurtured in such a way as they are able to reach their full potential. Equal opportunity is about creating the structures and contexts for unlocking potential.


The aim of our Accessibility Plan is:

  • To establish clear and positive strategies to:
    • further raise awareness of equality across the school community,
    • further equal opportunities for all stakeholders,
    • secure processes for identifying needs of stakeholders.
  • To increase the range of opportunities for all pupils and for all stakeholders.
  • To improve the training of staff and governors and the quality of shared information to parents and pupils in this area of work.